Sunday, September 7, 2008

the colourful environment of young month of Ramadhan. Alot has happen in just few days. The Terawih Perayers, Bertadarus, Tahlil and Functions all around Brunei. Not to forget that during the month of Ramadhan, Brunei of course have encourage SME's and locals encouraging them to sell foods during the day offering the public choices to eat for breaking fast. Below are some of the pictures of the public particularly at the Stadium, local SME's taking opportunity selling off their local food. There are alot of food sold but me as i am so bad naming the local traditional food i manage to know a few...for e.g.

Pak Cik sedang menjual makanan PAIS, so it could be either Pais Daging or Pais Udang.

Our Locals taking a quick pose and a bit of smile while scouting to find food but of course this couple is a familiar face for me. Baby and Abang...hehehe...

a Local observing the crowd as from the picture they are walking towards her direction. The crowd was enormously alot but of course you will enjoy the customers buying food and drinks from them *hehe*

I wonder what they call this food? i think its sort of like Tandoori style, I didnt manage to ask the salesperson tho. Maybe the next round if i get to go there next week and i will defintely ask them, Looks tasty tho...ok now im hungry...hehe

You know he said to me "I am proud to buy these local food because it taste better then my own cooking" hehehe..u cook? huhu...let me be the judge of that. Anyway he is a kewl dude..C u around Sulhi...

~Enjoy Your Day~


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